This is the story behind Zenath Tennis as told by founder Michael Gordon

The concept behind Zenath came about from frustration at the lack of diversity in the racket industry. Every brand offers rackets in the standard range of 95"-100" headsizes for serious players with some design aspects geared towards a certain characteristic. However tennis rules allow for headsizes much bigger than this and I was left wondering why they aren't a staple option in the market.

 After trying the limited options available outsize this window it was time to take matters into my own hands. Could I make a racket with a bigger head that played like a regular racket in other aspects but gave the added margin for error more string surface area could offer.

putting pen to paper a design was drawn up and a supplier for some samples was found. After some fairly homemade home drilled samples the specification and design was finalised into the racket you see here.

This really is a unique racket offering in the current market and we hope it presents an alternative design to those of the established brands.